R.J. Medoff, MD; P. Kopylov, M.D.
Orthopaedic Transactions, 22 (1): 165. 1998
Abstract: A new system of internal fixation designed for displaced articular fractures of the distal radius provides non-destructive stabilization of distal fragments. Implants are low profile distally, and base fixation on the strong cortical bone of the proximal fragment. Fractures are defined by the presence or absence of five basic fragment components; the radial column, dorsal cortical wall, free intraarticular, dorsal ulnar split, and volar rim fragments. Each fracture component present is seured with a implant specifically designed for that particular element; the surgical approach uses limited incisions to obtain anatomic reconstruction of the articular surface and restoration of radial lenght and inclination. In addition to the cortical reconstruction, the metaphyseal defect is filled with bone graft. Stabilization of the fracture with this technique is sufficient to allow motion of the forearm, wrist, and fingers to be started immediately postoperatively.